Sunday, June 20, 2010

Empty Bottle Blues

Happy Father's Day, all! Love you, Dad.

I actually planned for Sundays to be Fiction Update days (or other regularly scheduled stuff) and Thursdays to be random, but darn if being all off schedule with my posting hasn't screwed around with the order of stuff. My last entry was a FicUp, and since I've still made no progress, another one would be redundant and boring. I would talk about Father's Day, but aside from the fact that this Father's Day has been very low-key, I generally don't have much to say about it this year. So instead I will talk about an obsession, because obsessing about things is what I do best.

Bottle caps.

Question: How do you collect beer bottle caps if you don’t drink alcohol?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fiction Update: Stalling...

Things are slow. I've gotten back into my old habit of telling myself that I'll get up early and pound out my five daily pages of novel, and then failing to do so. I have, however, received all my books in the mail (finally) and will continue to read them for inspiration. 

I've also gone back to reread a little of what I've written recently, not just within this novel, but all of my fiction. As usual, this gets me really motivated. I am reminded that these works are worth finishing.

When things get more interesting, these fiction updates will be less boring. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy the delicious chocolate cake I spontaneously baked tonight.



Sunday, June 13, 2010

Road trips, anklets, and other things of note

Yeah, yeah, I know. No Fiction Updates, or updates of any kind,  in a while. It's due to a series of things occurring at once. The first of those things was the last Thursday I actually posted. I had too many (good!) things on my mind for days afterward to bring myself here. Then, I actually went on a small trip with my sister. I figure I'll talk a little about that.

A couple of Mondays ago, back between around May 31st and June 3rd, I was actually out of town. I went down to Southern California with my sister and niece. A couple of weeks prior she asked me if I wanted to just drive down and hang about. I love both spontaneity and road trips, so I gleefully agreed to go with her.