Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plants in Pots: The Story Thus Far

So this is what my container garden looked like in its prime, around early July of last year:

Basil, cilantro, and rosemary…

…Okra and spinach, jointly, just barely sprouting up.

And this is what it looked between last August and this past February:

Uh, yeah. Lord knows what was living in there.

I went on a three-week trip out of the country last summer, and that is essentially what I returned to. I figured I should throw in the all-purpose gloves and plan more thoroughly for next spring. Well, next spring is here!

I did manage to reap a bit of produce for all my hard work. Four okra pods.


I’ve spruced up the containers for this year, and added a couple more smaller ones. This year, one big container's got carrots, and the other one's got a Roma tomato plant in the center surrounded by spinach (don't know if that'll work. Alas, I've got to conserve space). The smaller containers hold basil, bell peppers, a second tomato plant I got for free (Early Girl variety), rosemary from last year, and thyme. The rosemary confounds me; it died, then sprouted again out of nowhere despite the fact that I did nothing to it. Now that I've transferred it to another pot and care for it, it decides to shrivel up and die. What?

When I get pics off my camera, I’ll be sure to put them up, not that there's a ton of activity going on in those pots thus far. The carrots are sprouting some, along with the bell peppers. The Early Girl plant seems to be doing the best, but that's probably because it was a started plant to begin with.

Anyway, here's to hoping that this experience continues to be fun and rewarding this year.

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